Friday, August 27, 2010

Slow progress is not failure!

Don't mistake slow progress for failure!

I started this blog with the purpose of inspiring and motivating action while helping people to live life to the fullest each and every moment we are given the opportunity. Born from a twice failed magazine by the same name, I will write Grow To Be with the intention of providing a voice and source of inspiration from a point of view of understanding the difficulty in following ones dreams on a daily basis. Know that I to will be on the same beautiful struggle to reaching my potential minute by minute, hour by hour that you face daily.

After failing to reach my goal of starting a magazine twice I will accomplish what I set out to do with this blog. My goal was, and after failure, remains simple to inspire. I believe that we all were put here for a purpose and once we determine what our destiny is we have to "Grow to be" that person. The journey will be filled with many success and failures but the key is to never stop. With this blog I will feature interviews, stories, quotes, feature guest writers Monday through Friday. I want to showcase information of success as well as failure and how we use both to reach our potential to grow and be.

I believe that my purpose for being here is to use my talents of writing, art and speaking to motivate. With Grow To Be I will provide a daily spark that can be used anyway necessary to assist you with continuing your daily routine, getting started, or the support of someone else who works daily to achieve life's purpose.

With that said please enjoy the blog and your feedback and ideas are appreciated!